Group Space

What is the Group Space?

The term Learning Space refers to a physical setting for a learning environment. Traditionally, it is the place where teaching (or learning) occurs. An example for a learning space is the classroom as a classic standard of learning space.

Group space (or group learning space) description

This term addresses joint activities done by the learning group. These activities must not be implemented in the classroom but can be implemented everywhere, where “the group stays together”. This means that group learning also can be done with technical means, for example using a virtual environment or based on virtual meetings.

The Group Space has a structure, must be planned carefully and must be transparent for all group members as well (what has to be done, what are the roles of each group member, what are the expected results, how are results presented, and other related issues).

The Group Space is split into three phases often: The start phase (for example with a review of learned content or reflection from the pre-class), the active learning time (this will be the phase which takes most of the time) and the closing (which can offer a summary, some presentation of the learning results, or simply to clear remaining open questions.

Group space is more

The learning Space is not necessarily a “real space”, it describes the activity and the form in which activities are carried out. The Group Space focuses on joint activities and active collaborative learning in a group. But this also requires special active learning methods that are carried out in the group.

The activity that takes place in the group space is one core element of flipped learning (the other one is the pre-class – this should be done in the individual learning space). Activities in the group space should address the higher levels of Bloom’s taxonomy, should care for engagement of all learners in the group and include the greatest potential of deep learning (we call deep learning sustainable learning due to the intention that the learning results will be long-lasting).

Future publishing

You will find a proposal of active learning methods in the flipped learning guide developed within this project. We will publish step by step new results of the done work here!



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