Learning Teaching Training #2 (Athens)

The second training in frame of the project took place in Syros/Greece at the beginning of July.

The aims of teaching activities (defined to reach the project’s objectives)

  • Knowledge transfer on a transnational level and between the participating organizations
  • Active learning and heutagogical approach to learning, especial in Blended Learning (delivery method of Flipped Learning)
  • Analyses of the DigComp framework and the implementation of specific items in the courses
  • Use of the e-xcellence framework as a base of course development
  • Flipping the learning – a shift of the roles
  • The planning of the implementation of new courses
    At the second teaching event, the results of the project are disseminated to the trainers of the organizations (these participants will act as „major instructors“ and be responsible to disseminate the results, gained knowledge, and new course concepts inside each organisation.
    The actual training was carried out as a “flipped learning experience”, with a web-based pre-class (via its own learning platform, based on eXe-Learning) and the group learning room in Syros.

The training has been organized as “a personal Flipped Learning” experience:

  • A specific course has been created as the “Pre-Class Learning”, based on distance learning and offering the content dedicated to “Lower Bloom’s”.
  • In five days of training, the group space took place as a face-to-face event in Syros. The training used intensively the 187 global elements of efficient flipped learning. Various approaches of active learning have been implemented to provide a best-practice experience of a Flipped Learning 3.0 course,

Note: This description uses expressions from the Flipped Learning 3.0 Framework. If you want to read about this, download the “Flipped Adult Education Guide” – also available in German – or order the manual from Amazon (Book on Demand).

The download of the Guide is here!